2005-09-29 8:23 p.m.


Ok, I know I'm like too old for this, but I want to drink a lot and go to bed. I don't want to be responsible. I'm tired, moody, grumpy (I guess the moody covered that) and whiney.

My soon-to-be-new work location with a view is now available. Unfortunately it has a bumpy rug which is now covered with an ugly and dirty antistatic chairmat. My current location doesn't have an ugly bumpy chairmat thing. I don't like it. Oh Well. Tough beans.

I went shopping yesterday. I bought clothes. I wanted to wear them today, but the pants said they should be washed first. Why didn't they speak up yesterday? They got all chatty this morning.

Ok, the lameness will now stop and I'll go grump in front of the TV.


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