2005-09-28 7:44 p.m.

Another Planet ... Who Knew?


I was reading a section in Reader's Digest this morning. It was an interview with Tom Hanks.

"RD: Why is it important at this point, when on this Earth we have hunger and poverty and suffering, to spend billions of dollars exploring space?
Hanks: It could well be that it's not important now, but the truth is it's going to be important sooner or later. We're going to run out of room. We're going to run out of water, out of air. Is it expensive? You bet, and it's very, very dangerous. But in the long term, the advantages are world-altering."

This go me thinking ... So we'll leave this planet and go to another one and destroy it? I don't know. I can see the point, but shouldn't we take steps on this planet so that we don't run out of room, water and air? And if we do leave this planet and find another would we do the same thing to it that we did to this one? Would we think we were superior and kill off or abuse the natives? Or would they think we were inferior and send spaceships to our planet to pick us up and use us like the white man used the african men and women? Slaves to do their bidding. Sorry folks, but I can't see us making another planet a better place.

Look what I found today. This! I was looking for info on binding. I messed up on the quilt binding I was working on. When I found that site, I thought ... who knew? But of course there weren't always disposable pads and such. And I don't suppose the amish are using disposable. Actually I'm on a different PC now and I had to look the link up again and I was surprised how many sites have instructions for how to do this. I think the one I've linked here clearly has the "cutest" ones. LOL. Sorry guys, I just had to share.

Be sure to check out the Sloe Gin and Vodka section. And don't tell me I never pointed you to something interesting. Now point me in the direction of my nearest Balckthorn bush, so I can pick me some sloes. Yeah, right ....

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