2005-09-27 9:14 p.m.

Six Things

Since I don't have an original bone in my body, I give you this, borrowed from radiogurl.

6 Things I Want To Do:

  1. Go to Hawaii, Alaska, the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas
  2. Make Quilt for my bedroom (or should I say "our" bedroom since dh always gets me for that)
  3. Lose weight
  4. Learn JavaScript
  5. See my children grow old and have children
  6. Retire and not have to work full time

6 Things I Can Do:

  1. Write code/Learn programming languages
  2. Laugh at myself
  3. Juggle
  4. Sew
  5. Drive a car with a manual transmission (stick)
  6. Love my children, hopefully nuture and motivate them

6 Things I Can�t Do:

  1. Juggle 4 objects
  2. Drive a motorcycle
  3. Control anyone
  4. Carpentry, electrical or plumbing work
  5. Pee standing up
  6. Calculus

6 Things That Makes Me Attractive To The Opposite Sex:

  1. Sense of humor
  2. Nice hair
  3. Boobs
  4. Brain
  5. Can support myself
  6. Ah ... well I'm not really looking anyway ...

6 Things I Say All The Time:

  1. Cool
  2. Well
  3. I'll look in to it.
  4. Hi Sweetie (to the kids)
  5. What? (Cause I'm going deaf.)
  6. ...

6 Celebrity Crushes (in no particular order):

  1. Orlando Bloom
  2. Mel Gibson
  3. Will Smith
  4. Sean Connery
  5. Matt Damon
  6. Owen Wilson

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