2005-09-22 2:19 p.m.

Pictures and Junk


Dinner at my sister's was pretty good. I think we could have gone bungee jumping with the noodles. They were clear, stretchy, and there was lots of them. But overall all the items were very good even if they weren't all korean.

I set my lovely VCR to tape the new version of Lost and what did I record? The repeat/summary Lost program before the new version. STUPID ME! I can't believe I went to all that trouble and recorded the wrong damn thing. Apparently I'm time challenged (amoung other things). I did see the last 30 minutes. It was good. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

Did anyone hear this weird theory about Lost that I heard on the radio this morning? It was something about: Everyone has a twin and those special numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42) work into it somehow. I wish I could remember the name of the theory so I could look it up.

I have some pictures to share today.

First one is my nemesis. I know I mentioned that I broke my foot back in May, but I don't think I mentioned how I broke my foot. It was stupid. I was taking the down the plant (pictured below) to put it outside and somehow I didn't land on my foot properly when I got off the chair. I couldn't recover and the plant and I went down.

Doesn't she look great? I drop the damn thing and now it's got all this new growth and looks wonderful. How strange!

What can I say? I've had a black thumb for a few years and I can't believe my plants are doing so well this year. I must be watering them more frequently or something. Oh, do you remember the yellow jacket nest I mentioned an entry or two ago? Well it's just above the light that's in that picture.

Here's a spider web that I saw one morning with dew on it and the sun was just right. I just had to share.

Here's some flowers that were outside of a Flower shop way back when I did the ride the Duck thing.

Oh, and for HNT, we have fake tatoos on my children's ankles.

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