2005-09-20 10:37 a.m.

Happy Chuseok


I've been reading this book with a few Slave Narriatives. I may have mentioned it before. I bought it in Williamsburg and I'm the world's slowest reader. I just don't leave any time for it. Anyway the first one started off pretty well, but then it started dragging, so I skipped off to the second one. It was about Mary Prince. The whole book/passage (it's not very long) can be found here. It was powerful. The things the white man did to the black man (and mind you when I say man, I really mean man and woman in both instances) are just terrible. No one should ever be treated that way. All cause the white man thought he was superior? And these white men all went to church on Sunday. Woo Hoo! I don't know how they slept at night. Actually I'd like know how the whole meet your maker thing went (assuming we ever meet said maker).

And to think the KKK is still alive and kicking in my community. dd1 informed me of this over the weekend. Now ain't that special? I don't know if she was mistaken or if it was really a different group or what, but I don't like it.

On a whole different note. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate Chuseok with my sister and her children. Niece2 is from Korea and it's (or was) the Korean Thanksgiving. Anyone know any good and easy korean appetizers or desserts? I kinda looked around but a lot of the ingredients are foreign to me. (Ha, ha, ha, You saw that coming right?) Maybe I'll just get something store bought. We have a large Korean store near by. The problem is that a lot of the labels are in Korean and I don't have a clue what I'm looking at.

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