2005-09-19 7:48 p.m.

Bloody Tired

Ahoy Mateys!

I'm bloody tired. I don't even know why. I could barely keep my eyes open at work. Then again it's not like it's very entertaining lately.

Had a nice dull weekend. (Yo-ho-ho!) It involved no cooking and lots of pizza till yesterday when I decided to make fried chicken. Yeah, right. Next. I guess I need a better recipe. The macaroni and cheese was good though. That recipe is a keeper. I had it again tonight.

dd2 made this cute foam Halloween house. I like it. It was really nice. It's a good thing because it will probably be up till Christmas. That's just the way us Bunnies work (or don't work as is the case with this). Maybe we could swap out a few items and make it work for Christmas? Christmas bats and ghosts?

Did I tell you all about the world's biggest spider that was hanging around outside my front door? (Shiver me timbers!) Aye, he was big and now I don't know where he is. I am concerned that maybe he came in the house. It's stupid I know, but knowing where he was is more comforting then not knowing where he is. I also have a yellow jacket nest in the house siding near the front door too. My dh is not all that concerned, but I am. IF I get stung there will be HELL to pay. Yes I know, it's not likely to happen, but the last 2 times I got stung I didn't do anything to provoke them aside of exist in their presence and then I almost scratched my foot off. And let's talk about swelling. Then again, let's not. Let's just say it was ugly.

dd1 is looking at class rings. More ways to spend my money as if there weren't enough. dh and I still have our hs rings so I got them out to show the girls. Both the lasses were amazed by my small finger size. Me too. The damn thing doesn't fit me anymore. (6 or 6.5 which isn't that small) dd2 fingers are bigger than dd1 and mine. I can't wait to see what size she ends up with.

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

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