2011-06-28 10:09 p.m.

Long Time No See

I haven't done an update since 2008. I joined facebook and been going there for a while, but I kinda like being anonymous. I guess that's because I want to bitch.

Since the last update. The cat I mentioned. I think I call him Cat2 passed away. We had to put him down in July of 2009. Cat1 is now ill. I thought it was cancer too, but now I don't know. Things seem somewhat better. I thought the barfing thing was normal. Turns out it's not. She may have irritable bowel. I didn't realize cats could have that. Now I give her 3 different medicines and bi monthly vet visits. Sick cats are expensive.

The company I worked for has closed. I was laid off in July of 2009 around the same time we put the cat down. They asked me back for a bit, but then in October 2010 I was laid off for good. I'm at a new job now. I hate this job too. Some of my coworkers suck. And the rest just don't care. I need to make friends, but I suck. I'll work on that, but lord knows when. So far I've managed to be one big dork at this job. I hit a coworker's car the first week there. It was minor paint damage, but still. I used to be so good at my job. The go-to-girl, now I can't even write an email without a typo. Today a coworker got all flip with me on the phone because he thought I was being "smart". I wasn't. I didn't really understand what he said, but I used some slang that was misinterpreted and now I'm just upset. I may not have understood everything that was said, but I did understand the request. Defensive, that's what I've become, more and more defensive. I don't like me.

I need an attitude adjustment, a big dose of positivity. I have things to be positive about ... like the fact that I have a job and wonderful kids and husband.

I need a fucking hobby.

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