2007-02-28 4:37 p.m.

Where Oh Where has my Body Gone

I don't know what is up with me today, but it sure ain't much. I guess we all have days like this, but I do feel like I say the same thing over and over on here, so I was resisting saying anything, but I'm dropping fast.

I swear I'm going to pick up some big chocolate something on the way home and eat my way through it. Of course that would be very wrong and since I haven't eaten anything worth eating all day it would just add to how pathetic I feel today.

I'm tired, very tired. I know why. It's aunt flo. But Geez, this getting older stuff ... SUCKS! I'm sure this will rank high on the TMI list ... so read at your own risk.

Start of TMI

I used to be one of these lucky people who had a very short period. It probably still ranks as very short, but now it's very heavy and very annoying. I might actually have to set an alarm to remind me so I don't have issues later. (I don't bring spare clothes to work.) You would think the thing would get shorter not longer and faster. Aren't I drying up by now (because I'm old and shouldn't be having any more babies)?


I guess I'll sleep well tonight. Hopefully. On top of the overwhelming tireness I am also having a problem with my watch and earrings. They make me itch. ITCH I tell you. Yesterday I took out my earrings and took off the watch. I felt better. I wore different earrings today and they are now out. The watch department was much better (I wore a different watch). Mind you I've worn that watch for months and the earrings even longer. Why do they itch now? I feel like my body has given up on me today. My brain is not far behind.

Ok, I'm going to go in search of chocolate or something. Have a nice night.

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