2006-02-06 1:35 p.m.

Celebrity Dates

I don't know why, but I just had to do this one.

Celebrity Sex-Dates .... Gotten from Golfwidow.

Sunday: Orlando Bloom Let's go to the beach baby. We will swim and play together and I'll enjoy the eye candy. Later we'll have a romantic dinner by the ocean. (Alternate: Johnny Depp.)

Monday: John Mayer Sing to me, songs from your first album. Later we can go to the Melting Pot and I'll feed you, you won't need to say a word. (Alternate: Seal.)

Tuesday: Harrison Ford I've always wanted to ride in a Helicopter, so let's take a helicopter ride and have a nice picnic dinner on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Then later we could go horseback riding. (Alternate: Sean Connery, though I don't think he knows how to fly a helicopter, but I'm sure he has a fast car or something.)

Wednesday: Patrick Swayze Let's swing around the dance floor till we can't dance no more. Teach me every move you know. After that I'm sure we will be tired, so we'll order take out and eat in. (Alternate: Mikhail Baryshnikov)

Thursday: Anthony Edwards Let's go to a car race. Race track food works for me. We'll buy souvinors and return home for some racing of our own. (Alternate: Noah Wyle)

Friday: Matt Damon Let's go skiing. I don't know if you can ski, but you can't do any worse than me. Afterwards, we'll sit in the hot tub and enjoy some wine and quite moments together. (Alternate: John Corbett)

Saturday: Owen Wilson I need some laughs. Just talk, I'm sure I'll be laughing in no time. We'll have some beer and pizza together. You seem like the type of guy would like that. (Alternate: Jeff Foxworthy)

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