2005-11-11 3:51 p.m.


Lots of comments and compliments yesterday. Cool! Thanks everyone! That quilt was a lot of work, though I took a class and everyone was making a beautiful quilt (except one person, I'm not sure what she was doing). I think I should take another class. It keeps me motivated to do the work.

I'm so glad it's Friday. I didn't have time to eat breakfast before work this morning, so I got a muffin on the way into work. I thought I got a caramel apple muffin, but when I got to work it was a blueberry muffin. Hmph! Well at least it was a good blueberry muffin.

I was reading someone's entry that was about "What was I thinking?" moments. For whatever the reason it instantly took me back to a dumb moment that happened when I was 13 or so. I was taking a walk by this house that recently had a tree cut down. The house was up on a hill with a large yard that had a stone wall around it. Actually the wall went from street level up to their yard so that it wasn't really a "fence" but more a wall that seemed to keep the dirt and the house up. I hope I explained that well. Silly me, I wanted to see the tree and the hole it left in the ground so I walked up onto their yard and walked over the tree stump. The "stump" was basically a hole in the ground because the tree had rotted. After I walked over the stump/hole I instantly realized my mistake. I could hear a buzzing noise. I look back and there are bees coming out of the hole, but now I'm at the highest point of the stone wall and in the other direction is the tree (you know the cut down tree in piles all over the yard). I had no choice but to jump back over the hole. Yeah. So I did that. I jumped over the hole and ran, but the bees came after me and I got stung a number of times. The ones that got stuck in my hair really got me. I ended up falling down and trying to get them out of my hair. I was screaming so loud that my sister heard me and came to help. She was younger than me. I thought it was really brave of her. She took me home and then Mom and Dad picked the bees out of my hair. Luckily I'm not allergic and I only got stung or bit (they were small wasps) about a dozen times. I ran a fever later, but it could have been so much worse.

Sky's comment yesterday reminded me why I'm expecting something. I don't know why I didn't think of it till I read her comment. This is the time of year that my mother's emotional rollercoaster takes a downward plunge. Her mood would always sour and there were a number of years where she developed a migraine that put her in bed for a week or so. I could handle the sickness part, because, hell she didn't talk to anyone then. It was and continues to be the anger that I can't deal with. That sense of I have so much to do and you have to help. I used to wonder how she could think of all these things to do. Oddly now that I'm an adult (ha, ha) I still wonder about that. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. If it's going to make you angry, don't do it. Now I understand there are times when this is not practical and there are things that just must be done, but one can pick the easy way to do them. Anyway, it's odd how I live out patterns even when they aren't necessarily happening at the time.

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