2005-11-03 9:54 a.m.

Weird Morning

Hi Guys,

How are you today? I had a weird drive in. No nothing happen, the weird thing was on the radio. I don't know what started it, but they were talking about body parts that had been removed accidently or on purpose I suppose. Usually it was about something that had been bitten off. The first story I heard was about this guy's girlfriend who bit off his nipple. See I told you it was weird.

Want to hear my almost removed something story? Sure you do. One time, when I was at band camp, just kidding. I was 10 or so when this happen and it was summer time. We had an above ground pool and we frequently did all those things you aren't suppose to do off the side of the pool, mainly dive off the side. Well I got up on the side and went to jump in and slipped. I screamed or yelled on the way down and caught my chin on the edge of the pool. Can you guess what happened next? 10 points to the person who guessed I bit through my tongue. Yes all the way through, but not so that I bit the tip off, but rather the other way so that I bit through the side of it. You know sorta like a forked tongue only it was more to the right. I scared my mother to death. I couldn't talk and I spit a mouthful of blood out. It was gruesome. Unlike all the stories I heard on the radio, I didn't get stitches. The doctor said they wouldn't hold. So I ate ice cream and apple sauce and other blender delights for a couple of weeks. I think I still have a scar. I haven't looked for it in a long time.

Boy, after the last topic I have no clue how to segue on to this, so you'll just have to deal.

Since Thanksgiving is coming and GMA reminded me of it. I thought I'd share my favorite apple pie recipe with you. It's here. Damn it was good! In fact you may like the Best Of recipes that they have here.

Oh speaking of food, although this is weird food. If you haven't seen this site: Gallery of Regrettable Food, go check it out. See the weird things they put in Jello. And who knew rabbit was so popular?

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