2005-11-02 3:49 p.m.

Getting To Know You Quiz


I got this via an email and decided to post it here. Some a repeat, some not.

  1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:45 am
  2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Legend of Zorro
  4. What's your favorite TV show? Lost
  5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Oatmeal
  6. What's your favorite cuisine? Pizza
  7. What foods do you dislike? Brussel Sprouts, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese
  8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Sour Cream and Onion
  9. What's your favorite CD at the moment? Black Eyed Peas
  10. What kind of car do you drive? VW Passat
  11. Favorite sandwich? Grilled Cheese and Tomatoes
  12. What characteristics do you despise? Lying would be big
  13. Favorite item of clothing? black jeans
  14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii

  15. What color is your bathroom? White and Green

  16. Favorite brand of clothing? Lane Bryant
  17. Where would you retire? PA

  18. Favorite time of the day? Late Afternoon, if I'm not at work.
  19. What was your most memorable birthday? dh's 30th was fun. For my 19th, R, L1 and L2 got me a cake with a VW Bug (like mine at the time) on it. When I got there they were trying to surprise me so when I bent down to knock on the door they opened it ... into my head. Threw me right on the ground. Damn that hurt. As is usually the case with me, it was funny at my expense. I laughed and the cake was cute.
  20. Where were you born? Haverford Hospital
  21. Favorite sport to watch? Nascar

  22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? N/A
  23. Person you expect to send it back first? N/A

  24. What fabric detergent do you use? Tide

  25. Were you named after someone? First name, no. Middle name is after my maternal grandmother.
  26. Do you wish on stars? No
  27. When did you last cry? fight with dh

  28. Do you like your handwriting? yes
  29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Some days yes, some days No
  30. Are you a daredevil? No
  31. Do looks matter? Not really
  32. How do you release anger? scream,& throw thing when needed - yeah I've done that too

  33. Where is your second home? was R's
  34. What were your favorite toys as a child? A stuffed bunny and barbie
  35. What class in High School was totally useless? I'm not finding too many uses for Trig or Chemistry
  36. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No
  37. Favorite movies? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and any movie that makes me think. Oddly I really liked Seven, but not because of the gore.
  38. What are your nicknames? Don't really have any

  39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes
  40. Do you think that you are strong? No
  41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? butterscotch
  42. What are your favorite colors? Blue
  43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My weight
  44. Who do you miss the most? Dad
  45. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back? N/A
  46. What color pants are you wearing? grey
  47. What are you listening to right now? nothing
  48. Last thing you ate? graham crackers
  49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be? magenta

  50. Last person you talked to on the phone? T
  51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair

  52. Favorite Drink? Iced Tea
  53. Do you wear contacts? no
  54. Favorite Day(s) of the Year? That first day in spring where it's warm and the flowers are blooming.
  55. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy Endings
  56. Summer or winter? Summer
  57. Hugs or Kisses? kisses
  58. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Ice Cream
  59. What Book(s) Are You Reading? A Group of short books by Slaves
  60. What is the best compliment you've ever received? dh's reaction at our wedding.
  61. What should you be doing instead of this? work

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