2005-10-24 12:02 p.m.


What a weekend. Friday was nice. The girls were social and out and about. dh and I did the limo service thing. Saturday started out pretty well. dd2 picked out a costume for her party that didn't involve a trip to the store. We picked out pumpkin designs and prepped our pumpkins for the party and then went to the party. Our pumpkins turned out very well as did everyone elses. I hope to have pictures later. I left dd1 at the party and took dd2 home and to the next party and therein laid my mistake. I went home. dh and I decide to go out to dinner but I was pushing him along because we had to pick up dd2 at 9. Somehow we ended up in a big argument and got lost. Now sometimes we get lost and then get in an argument, but that wasn't how this one went. Apparently I've been bad. Yeah, probably, though I didn't think I had been that bad. The argument lasted the rest of the weekend. I think it may actually still be going on. (You know the no talking stage.) We had some unexpected company and put on a good face for the company.

Actually I'm not a very nice person. It was a known fact when we got married. Hell, I'm a bitch. I know it. I have a short temper. I don't like to do work. I don't like that there is work to be done. I do work, but sometimes I bitch if I have to do work. He does it too. Gets in these cleaning frenzies and wants everyone to clean too. So I got in one of those moods when he was sick and expected the one kid who was not sick to help clean, but dh was mad that I was cleaning. Frankly I can't blame him, but I hate groody toilets when I'm sick and I thought he'd feel the same and I really thought I'd get sick too and lord knows I can't clean if I'm sick.

Oh Well, we have issues. We can't have a serious conversation without arguing about something. We never agree. I don't really know how we've done this for as long as we have. This time felt different though. I really do feel like he doesn't like me. Sometimes I don't like me either. It happens.

That makes me sound like I'm really depressed today. Oddly I'm not. I'm nervous about the whole Jury Duty thing, but otherwise I'm ok. Status Quo I guess. Odd.

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