2005-10-18 12:03 p.m.

Wonder Woman and Macrame

Hello, I'm feeling a bit weird today. Both dd1 and dh are home sick and instead of wanting to do the mommy thing I just want to avoid them. Why? I don't want to get sick. And who likes cleaning up barf? Get to the damn toilet! I'm expecting a call from dd2 any moment now.

I saw the Wallace and Gromit movie over the weekend. dh loves these movies. I don't hate them, but I don't love them. It was ok, but I could have waited till it was out on DVD. The "people" have weird heads. I did like the corn outfit the woman wore in the end. I think it would be a cute Halloween idea.

I made banana bread and zucchini bread over the weekend. The banana bread is almost gone and NO it didn't make them sick or I'd be sick, cause I think I ate the most of it. I suspect I'm going to have trouble getting rid of the zucchini bread though. Typhoid Bunny has made some bread. Do you want some? No, no, just cause the rest of my house is sick doesn't mean you'll get sick too. This is special bread. I held my breath the whole time I made it.

I made a plant hanger. It's nice to know those macrame skills are never forgotten. They are out of style, but not forgotten. I had to make the plant hanger for the plant I repotted. The plant was once in a pot with a built in hanger, but the whole thing broke. Actually it just fell apart. I don't know how it was hanging all summer.

Do you know what I bought over the weekend? You'll never guess. I'm not even sure I should admit it. I bought the Wonder Woman First Series DVD set. Are you jealous? Get up. No. Stop that! Ok, I don't blame you. Laugh all you want. Then grab some drinks and come watch with me. It's funny stuff. Now that I've seen a bit of it I wonder how any adults watched this back in the day. Where all the adults idiots? I think I know why I liked it. Any 11 year old can get this stuff. I've been singing this tune to annoy my husband.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
All the world's waiting for you,
and the power you possess.

In your satin tights,
Fighting for your rights
And the old Red, White and Blue.

Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman.
Now the world is ready for you,
and the wonders you can do.

Oh, are you annoyed too? Come on, it's funny! Will you all call me when the Bionic Woman is released? I'm going to buy that one too. Then I can sing another tune.

Well that was my 70s weekend. Wonder Woman and macrame. Who knew? I think I'll go home and watch Smokey and the Bandit or something (like make toast and soup).


PS Anyone doing the cheese club? Go dig through those old 80s and 90s pictures and submit one to Suzannadanna. Pleaseeee!

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