2005-10-15 11:54 a.m.

Halloween Decorations

Not much of entry today, just some pictures. Do remember the pumpkin cake I mentioned last week or so? Well I made it. It didn't look anything like the picture, but it tasted pretty good. Here is my lame attempt at said pumpkin cake:

Doesn't it look a little like play dough?

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm not sure why. I think it's the candy. Anyway I decorate the front porch up a bit and I thought I'd share, though the pictures don't really do it justice. First here's a picture of Franky. He hangs out in the front yard.

And here is the porch.

Well I'm off to repot a plant and make some banana bread. It finally stopped raining today, so I think I'll try to enjoy some sun while I'm out it. Have a great weekend all!

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