2005-10-12 4:25 p.m.

Get your Compass

Someone pointed this out to me and I thought it was amusing. Go view this. Hopefully the link will work. Now did you notice the picture? Did you notice the odd item that, frankly, I didn't know was needed in the event of a Nuclear emergency? Yes, grab your compass, no, no, not the one that points to the North, the one that draws circles, cause Lord knows you may need to make a circle in the event of a nuclear emergency. LOL. Your circle making ability may be impaired (among other things). I think mine is already.

Warcrygirl remarked about a little "game" one can play with Google, so I tried it out and entered "'your name' needs" into Google (I used my real name) and I have to tell you I found the first item very amusing ...

  1. Bunny needs a REALITY CHECK Really?

  2. Bunny needs a Tripod.

  3. Bunny needs a process for expenditures; invoices and receipt system

  4. Nuclear Bunny needs concept artists!

  5. Bunny needs to develop more speed endurance Mike will coach Bunny
    directly on this thread.

  6. Bunny needs you.

  7. Bunny needs to get out of the house. So True

  8. Bunny Needs to Firm Up Her Group�s Flextime Options hmmmm

  9. Bunny needs someone to look after her.

  10. Bunny needs to know where she came from; she needs real answers. And make it snappy

Still have the stupid headache. Need more aspirin. Hopefully I'll remember before tomorrow.

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