2005-08-26 1:37 p.m.

Funny Little Birds

dh1 and I went for a walk last night and guess what we saw? A hummingbird! Two of them actually. I'm such a weirdo. I've never seen one in the wild before. So guess what I just bought? Yes you guessed it, a hummingbird feeder. Two of them actually. LOL. I read that sometimes they won't feed from one they are not used to, so why not give this a try? Now I can't wait to get home. I'm some sort of nature freak. Think I could put up a neon sign or something ... Hummingbirds, Go Here ... Yeah, probably won't happen, but I'm gonna give this a try anyway. Maybe I could drop bread crumbs or something. Now I have a whole new mission for my garden next year (aside of weeding more frequently). I need to get flowers they like.

What else is going on? I'm getting some new furniture delivered this weekend. It's not the couch, but I'm happy about it anyway. We are going to a Buffet tonight. They have some weird food on the buffet, but it's good. (Weird fishy things)

I guess that's all I can think of for now. Later Dudes.

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