2005-08-19 9:24 p.m.

What was I doing 10 years ago Plus Quiz

An idea from forty-plus

What was I doing 10 years ago?

1995. I was 29. The girls were 5.5 and 1.5. I think I saw Live in concert this summer. dh's brother got married to his second wife (oddly enough it looks as though they will separate this year). I still worked at Pru, but things were changing. (They told me I was under paid and the layoffs started.) I was a DBA and loved my work. I was also one of the senior programmers and had a very tight group of coworkers. I have to say that they were some of the best people to work with and the most fun I ever had, although I was under paid. My marriage was having issues. We worked it out though. dd1 was talking our ear off at that point and dd2 was growing like a weed. She was a big kid. My Moose baby. She also loved water. The BIL's wedding was outside. dd2 found a puddle in the one of the horse shoe pits and she promptly sat down in it and played gleefully. Good thing I brought extra clothes.

What was I doing 5 years ago?

2000. We're in a new house now, we just bought it the year before. I love the house and the neighborhood. The kids are making new friends. dd1 is a social butterfly. Here I was worried about her adjusting and making friends and she is doing just fine. dd2 is finding it harder. She misses her friend who lived out back and she doesn't make friends as easily. dd1 is going into 5th grade and dd2 will be going into 1st grade. 5th grade will be challenging for dd1. dd2 finds school to be easier. I have a different job now. I work for the same place I do now. I've finially earned the guys respect and either this year or the one prior I step into the lead programmer role. One of our coworkers has a breakdown of sorts and quits. It was his time. I just wish it could have been more graceful. This is the year I get my new VW (it will be paid off next month ...yeah!) My sister and bil get their first foster child. I'm finally an Aunt ... well almost. We went to Disney and had the best vacation ever. And I got cat2 this year.

What was I doing 1 year ago?

2004. Work looks dismal. I'm positive I'm going to get laid off in Feb of 2005 (so I'm now on borrowed time). I still like the house. We redo one of the bedrooms so it's a computer/craft room now. I was going to make a quilt or 2, yeah, still haven't done that, but I bought all the stuff. Kids are adjusted and happy. The friend thing is working out. dd1 still finds school to be hard, but she is doing ok. dd1 gets a chinchilla. dh gets new work truck. mil has stroke when she is abroad. We were quite worried, but she sails through a double bypass and is back to her ole self.

What was I doing yesterday?

I went to work. Came home. Made sure dd1 was all packed. Put highlights in the girls hair. Went to bed.

What am I doing today?

Slept in. Dropped off dd1. Went out to lunch with dd2. Went shopping with dd2. Went out to dinner. Bought more furniture. We are refurnishing the living room. Worried about still achy stomach.

Five snacks I enjoy:

Five bands I like:

Five things I would do with a million dollars:

Five locations I would like to run away to:

Five bad habits:

Five things I like doing:

Five TV shows I like:

Five famous people I would like to meet:

Biggest joys in my life at the moment:

Five favorite toys:

Five people to tag:

Go for it if you are interested

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