2005-08-18 8:47 p.m.

Bad Hair

That was fun. I put highlights in the girls hair. dd1 has dirty blonde hair and I can't tell if the stuff did anything in hers. dd2 has brown hair and it did something, maybe not the desired something, but something.

dd1 is off to Baltimore tomorrow. She is going to Otakon 2005. She's going with some friends and their parents. I think I've created a trekie or the equivalent.

The project that I expect to be my demise is holding up it's end of the bargain. We found some problems today. I'm off for a couple of days. I hope the problems don't get worse.

Home life is good, though my stomach hurts. I'm afraid I have an ulcer or something like that. Maybe I'm just worried about dd1.

School starts in a couple of weeks. The summer is almost over. Amazing, it always seems to go so fast. The years have flown by since I had children. I guess I don't get the variety in my life that I had as a child. Frankly I crave 3 months off. Of course that's one of those careful-what-you-wish-for things.

Oh, I might be going on a cruise next year. Ms Motion Sickness is a bit worried. Info is pending. It's my good friend's 10th anniversary next year and they've asked a few friends to join them on vacation. Wow! I was hoping to do a Las Vegas thing since I turn the big Four 0h next year. {Cringe} I truly don't feel that old. I guess we will see.


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