2005-07-28 9:49 p.m.

Lame Turkeys

I saw a couple of turkeys when I left work today and then I realized all the jokes one can make with that. You know

They were real turkeys, they are from the nursery near by (you know plants and no I don't know why they have birds). They also have peacocks which like to hang around our building. They look in (or at) the windows and then peck at them. I think the turkeys were doing the same thing.

Played tennis this evening. It's official. We all suck! I've decided Tennis isn't much fun when you can't even do a volley (or whatever it's called).

Work was fun. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry. Yeah Right! We're gonna go down in flames on this one.

Anything else exciting? Cats are well and moving around the house. Sis is ok. dh is ok. Kids ok. Although I'm gonna boot them out of the house soon. All they do is sit in the house. Ok they played tennis this evening, but that's probably it for the week and it's Thursday.

Oh I'm getting a garage door opener. WOW! Ok, it's not what Zen got, but it's something. Ok, maybe it's nothing.

Go give meany some hugs. Someone said something about Mercury in retrograde. I wonder if they had a point?

I was playing with adding some music. This was today's theme at work. Anyway I "borrowed" the music from this site and I thought I'd better give them credit.

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