2005-07-25 8:04 p.m.



Well this morning was vomitland in my house. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was all over the house. In the den, living room, kitchen, and basement. What's up with that? It was a bit scary. I separated the cats, with food, water and kitty litter, determined to come home and find out who is ill, but of course no one got sick when I wasn't here. But of course!

It was cleaning day at work. See they laid off 2/3rds of the work force and now we have all these lovely desks full of paper and office supplies. They fed us sugar (a hell of a lot of doughnuts) and some of us did some cleaning. I should have worn uglier clothes. Later I did some work. A buddy of mine thinks it's weird that they made a techie like myself do manual labor. I ask them ... have they seen my butt lately? (Not really) I could use some manual labor. In fact I should just clean the building myself.

I'm loving this hot weather. I can't wait to see next month's electric bill. I don't really remember the last time such a large portion of the US was having such high temps. However last summer was cold for the areas near the Great Lakes. I remember someone mentioning it they couldn't tell Summer from Fall. Not here though, it will be 97 tomorrow.

I guess that is that. Take it easy everyone.

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