2005-06-24 6:37 p.m.


Well the other shoe did not drop. I believe it's still in mid air. I'll keep you posted.

Bills, smills. I must pay the bills.

Oh and my house is a mess. Can someone send me a cleaning fairy? I really should have listed All Chores on Chores I dislike most, cause I really don't like to do any and it's showing. The house is looking bad.

I'm killing time before doing bills.

I read someone's diary entry about Morality without God. Can we be moral and not believe in God? Why not? It can't be a good thing to kill people and steal from them. Just good rules to have in a civilization. Right? I think many of the various religions have the same basic moral rules. I must admit I'm not sure about the one that Osama subscribes to, but I'm sure the rest basically do. Just something to think about.

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