2005-06-23 2:15 p.m.


Ok, my BIL is a Prick! Prick, Prick, Prick, pricky Prick. Divorce is ugly. Surprise! Ok, we all know that, but I guess I didn't truly know how ugly it is until someone close to me was in it. Someone close with small children. Man, she waited on that man, cooked, cleaned, and had 2 children with him, and worked a full time job. Lucky her, he knows how to pick them, because she also makes more money then him she will be lucky enough to get to pay him support. WHAT? Trust me, she makes more on paper, but honestly she doesn't. I hope she know all the hiding spots. He won't even agree on a temporary custody agreement. He's such a good Daddy. Yeah, right. His life always came first, then the kids. He had a convient babysitter. I don't know. I guess it really isn't going to matter. He's going to get what he gets. Well I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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