2005-05-31 9:44 p.m.


Hey, no amputation! Wasn't that nice? And the bill wasn't too bad either. All around a good thing. I'm very happy with the chinchilla outcome.

My cats are expensive enough with their teeth issues. That reminds me cat2 needs to go back to have work done. I forgot about that and now it's June, well in a few hours it will be June.

I checked my garden tonight and something ate my strawberries. I'm mad! Boo Hoo. I guess there's a hole in the fence some where. I couldn't see it, but it was getting dark.

Work was pretty good today. We're all basically counting the days. I think I have till February. This PHP stuff has been fun. I hope we get another PHP project, though I need work on the app prompting to save changes when the user leaves the screen. I guess I'll be learning more Java.

I keep avoiding my mother. I called her last week, but she didn't call back. I must admit I was relieved. She wanted to "talk". Yeah, right. I heard she has a back problem that she feels is my daughter's fault. It couldn't be the osteoporsis, nooooo. It's best to blame a grandchild who did something by accident. (2 people standing in a paddle boat is not a good thing) Either that or she is planning something. She's depressed. She tells me she is suicidal every now and then. What am I suppose to do with the information? Go see a doctor! I even recommended one, which she saw and didn't like. We also had her committed once. She doesn't agree with them. Hah! Where does that leave me? Dad's death was a suicide and she thinks he's dead because she didn't love him enough. Right! Don't you wish you had all that power? I don't know...

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