2011-10-26 9:32 p.m.

Mom Saga

2 months and counting. I'm still working from home. I still don't like it, but I must admit it is convenient. I suspect I'll be totally off when I have to go back to work. No more kitchen right around the corner stocked with goodies. No more getting up at 8:00am and starting at 9:30 and working till 6:30. No more doing laundry or making a nice lunch or spending time doing things that are not work during work time.

It would be nice to have "work" time and "play" time though. I feel like it's all mixed together right now.

I didn't think it was possible that I would get less exercise, but I think that's the other problem. I don't go anywhere. Nope. No where. Well to the kitchen. I've gained weight. Ugh!

My feet are bugging me big time. This stupid plantars faciitis is crap. Crap.

So yeah. I can't think of a good way to change topic, so Topic Change.

Mom called tonight. She announced that someone stole her jewelry. Yup, those people working on her house all summer when she left a key in various spots stole it. They made a copy of the key and then came back. They didn't steal the TVs or anything else. Nope, not falling for it. I could be wrong, but she has cried Wolf way too many times. In the past, she has accused me of stealing it and all she did was misplace it. Mind you that was one item verses a bunch of them. but I still don't believe it. I know how she works. She was afraid someone would take it, so she moved it and now she can't remember where it is. Annoying.

So it is another step towards alzheimers? Is this the decline? First you just misplace things and repeat things and almost burn your kitchen down while making an omelet?

She has been forgetful for the last 17 years. I do enjoy hearing her tell people what a great memory she has though. Why can't she remember her memory now sucks?

Don't know what to say.

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