2007-02-04 5:06 p.m.

Car Show

I just logged on and saw this headline: "McCain blasts 'vote of no confidence'"

What is this? A Star Wars movie? I didn't read it. Maybe I should have.

I went to the car show in Philly today. It was ok. Very crowded. I'm happy to be home. I was looking at the hybrids. Toyota still seems to have the one with the best gas mileage. I'll have to think about it. I still think it's ugly.

dd1 is not feeling well. Here's hoping it's not anything the rest of us will catch. I though I skirted by the flu thing that was going around at work. She seems to be doing "ok" right now, so maybe it will pass by tomorrow.

Oh, I have to brag a bit ... both the girls got their report cards the other day. dd1 made honor roll (in spite of a couple of C's) and dd2 got straight As. WOW! That was a first for us. dh and I were talking and neither one ever did that well in school. In fact I didn't like school very much. I do understand it's value though. I just had a hard time, both academically and socially.

Well I'm tired. Maybe I'll take a little nap. Later.

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