2007-01-19 9:28 p.m.

A Day of Learning

So we established that winter arrived ... yesterday. Guess what happened today? Well actually I think it happened yesterday too. It snowed. Guess what also happened today? A Funeral. Yes, dd1's friend's mother's funeral was today. (BTW: dd1's friend is now going to be referred to as f1A, so I don't have to type so much.) It was 2.5 hours from here, so dd1 got a ride from a friend (now f1B). Guess what happened at 6:30am? We got a phone call from f1B because they had an accident and needed to go home and get the other car. 1.5 hours later, dd1 was finally on the road to the funeral. I debated taking her myself, but I was giving them to 8:00am and that's when she finally left. So I left for work a little after that. It took me 1.5 hours to get to work. WTF! It's normally a 25 min ride. It was icy out. Very icy out. The accident that f1B had was that they skid and hit the curb and blew out a tire. Yuck! I went out and got gas before dd1 left (because I thought I might be driving) and I did a nice little spin out myself. Note to self: You have anti lock brakes. Don't pull the emergency brake. Did I mention I hate driving on ice?

I did some reading about f1A's mother today. I found quite a few web sites about her. I never met f1A's mother. I didn't even know what she looked like. (Till now, there were a number of pictures.) From what I gather she was a rather outgoing, involved individual. As I was reading she really reminded me of my daughter. So much so that I wish she and dd1 had met. I don't think they ever did. She would have had a lot to offer my daughter in that she was an artist and enjoyed drawing comics. She also loved the Renaissance Faires and had some very elaborate costumes. It's not quite the same, but dd1 loves role play games and enjoys dressing up for Otakon. You should see the planning that goes into that event. I feel like I'm raising a Trekkie or something close to that. Anyway, while I don't feel like I now know this woman, I could tell she had a large following and will be sorely missed. She seemed like a really nice person and this was so not fair. Her husband died 3 years ago, but before that there seemed to be some very large struggles that they were just beginning to overcome. I guess we are not meant to understand.

I still haven't gotten to talk to my daughter about the funeral. She no sooner got home then she had to go back out to an AV event.

Talked to dh about his upcoming realty purchase. I was looking to see if he was as concerned as I was. It's like pulling teeth. He thinks I don't trust him, he gets all defensive and insulting and I get mad. Fun. Somehow, this time, we turned it around and he admitted that he was a bit concerned too, but he felt he could do it. So why does have to insult me before getting around to that? UGH! Maybe I'll understand one day.

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