2006-02-20 3:50 p.m.

Happy Monday

Hello All,

Geez I think it's been a week since I updated.

We are busy at the Bunny House. dh turned 40 last week. I have a picture to share, but I have to upload it. I'll have to share it later. The kids wanted to get one of those lawn sign things and we did. Those damn things are expensive.

We didn't do anything extra special for dh. We did go out to dinner (just the 4 of us) with every other Tom, Dick, and Harry that went out for Valentine's Day. I should have given that more consideration. He didn't want a big party. We went out to dinner with his parents yesterday and dd2 was joking with him about his age and he got mad. I guess he's more sensitive to his age than I thought he'd be.

We found out the neighbor's dog died. Yes, the same one that had one passed away a little over 6 months ago. They have another new one now. I think I'd be a bit gun shy at this point. However it was 2 totally different reasons. She died during surgery to have her tubes tied. What a shame. I was sorry to hear about the dog, but I wasn't as attached to it as I was the one before.

My car wouldn't start this morning. dh mentioned, on Friday I think, that he thought I needed a new battery and then for whatever the reason I didn't use the car all weekend. Of course this morning I remember what he said, turned it over and it didn't start and then it wouldn't turn over. What a nice start to a Monday. It wasn't too bad though. I called dh, he turned around, bought a battery and replaced it. I was in to work by 10:30am.

Here's a nice saying that I found on my calendar:
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller

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