2006-01-19 4:15 p.m.

5 Weird Things

5 Weird things

1) I dislike mustard. I use miracle whip on ALL sandwiches and ketchup on hot dogs.

2) I have an overbite, but my teeth don't hang out over my lip (thank god)

3) I sucked my thumb until I was well into elementary school, hence the overbite.

4) I like scrapple and spam (but not necessarily together). Oh and I'm used to having scrapple with mashed potatoes for dinner, but I haven't had it that way since I moved out of my parents house.

5) I must sleep without anyone touching me. dh will tell you I sleep like a burrito with the blankets tucked around me and very close to the edge of the bed. Yeah dh got the bad end of the deal on that one. I will cuddle, but I can't fall asleep while cuddling.

Earliest childhood memory

I'm one of those people who remembers next to nothing from when she was little. I have this one memory from when I was around 4 or 5 and I was playing catch with my sister with a beach ball. The ball rolled up on a window that covered a window well to the basement. I wasn't the brightest blub in the bunch and I stepped up onto the window. It broke and I fell through the window and landed on the rocks below. I recall that I was barefoot so landing on the rocks hurt, but all in all I wasn't in that much pain, I just couldn't get out. I don't remember the rest of that moment. Apparently I got a few stitches. I still have a scar on my wrist.

I have another memory of playing with the cat in the kitchen under the kitchen table. I was sitting on him. Don't even ask. I do know that my mother asked why and I told her I wanted to see which end of the cat got fatter. Yes, the cat loved me. And to think I've gotten mad at my daughter for being mean to our cats. She is more like me than I care to admit.

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