2006-01-15 4:37 p.m.

Body Worlds

I'm watching Cinderella Man, but I'm not really into it. I think it's suppose to have a happy ending, but the man he is fighting has killed 2 people. I don't want to see this character die. It's just a movie ... right? I keep thinking of Million Dollar Baby. Boy that was a sad movie. We watched it with friends, but my husband was mad that I made him watch it. Lord forbid he should watch a drama.

Our new window looks great. We have to do some painting, but it looks great even without the paint. And just like I expected the cats like it too. Cat1 was just pawing at the window. The birds weren't even worried.

We went to the Franklin Institute yesterday. We saw an IMax film about the body. Have you ever seen one of those? You practically lie down in your seat. Initially we thought we had bad seats (we were down in the front), but it seemed fine when the real movie started. It was a little weird. I felt dizzy once or twice, but that's how I am.

We also saw the Body Worlds Display. Let's talk about weird! They sold T-shirst and posters at the end, but ... well I can't image wearing one or hanging it up. Do you know what the Body World display is? Apparently before people died they volunteered to be part of this display. I'm not sure how that worked out. The one display was of a pregnant woman. But anyway, upon death they go through a special process where the fluid is removed from their body and is replaced with some type of special plastic. It's called Plastination.

For some of the displays, they removed the cadaver's skin and posed the body in some position. One was a man on a bicyle. One was in a basketball pose. Another in a running pose. I think there were 2 dancers. A majority were men (and yes you could tell, the twigs and berries were still present), there were only a couple of women. One was a pregnant woman who was 8 months along. I wondered what happened. There were also a number of infants, but they had their skin on. I'm glad.

There were these other displays that didn't involve muscle, just veins. Red veins. The one was a man, a woman and a child. There was also a chicken and a duck of the same type of display. I can't say I liked those. In fact it would be hard to use the like word in any of this, but it was interesting. The slices of the humans was quite unique. In one I could see the uterus and the bladder and when seeing it like that I wonder how a pregnant woman can drink anything. There is no room. The uterus is so tiny without a baby in it.

The other part of the display were organs. Some normal, some diseased with cancer or whatnot. Some of the displays showed hip or knee replacements. Can I say Ow? OW! No wonder that hurts. I won't explain.

So that was my Saturday. I must go make dinner now. Meatloaf and macaroni and cheese. I can't wait. I just wish I didn't have to make it.

Later All

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