2006-01-06 1:22 p.m.

5 Songs

I'm your boogie man, that's what I am ...

It's weird how much I can like a song I haven't heard in decades. It just makes me want to whip out my roller skates and skate. I can see those disco lights flashing above my head as I circle around the floor holding my friends' hands and laughing with them. Now I'm laying on the floor cause they let go of my hand and I'm such an awful skater that I can't stop till I make contact with the wall. Set up again. When will I learn? No more holding their freaking hands. The tall geeky girl loved to skate, but boy did I suck. I just couldn't skate fast and stay on my feet, but I did try. Every time I go ice skating with the girls I think of that. It's hard to watch my youngest struggle and not trust me to hold her hand. I would never do to her what my friends did to me. NEVER. No really, that's just mean. I may take her to the middle of the ice and let her skate alone, but I won't whip her around the rink. Besides I can't. I can't ice skate any better than I roller skated. In fact I'm worse.

This reminds me of someone's guest entries that were about songs. You picked five and wrote something the song reminded you of. I really liked that idea. It's odd how much of my life I can remember by associating it with a song.

"Le Freak" - Chic: This song was the first song I purchased on a 45. The very very first I paid for. I played it to death. As in, I loaded up the record player arm with pennies so I could keep playing this song. I think I ended up buying another 45. This is another skating song for me. I requested it every time we went skating. I lived in NC when it came out and my good friend and I would race around the rink to this song. It's still a song that can bring me to my feet. A feel good song if you will.

"Urgent" - Foreigner: This one was another 45. I can remember sitting the basement playing this song over and over again, singing and dancing with the sound up as high as it would go without ruining the speakers. There's just something about this song that sat deep inside of me. I still LOVE this song.

"Boys of Summer" - Don Henley: This song came out around the same time I learned to drive. I drove a 1970 VW Bug at the time and it only had an AM radio. I purchased a little boom box that I could set between me and the passenger, though it sat on the passenger seat most of the time. Anyway there was something about this song that just made me want to drive, windows down, hair blowing in the wind and the music up as loud as it could possibly go. As the song sorta implied I didn't want the summer to end that year. It was the summer after my senior year. I finally had a boyfriend, though it was a bit akward since I was his first girlfriend. My friends and I all had that freedom now. You know the freedom to go where we wanted to, but not enough money to get there. Some of my friends were going to college, some to full time jobs, my boyfriend was going to college and I ... well I felt I was going nowhere, but things were a changing.

"One" - Bee Gees: I don't think this song was every very popular. It came out the same year my dh and I got married. I wanted to use it for our first wedding dance, but dh didn't like the "Bee Gees". I wish I had pushed it. I still like this song and I think it would have been appropriate. Though I don't really believe in the concept of "One". Sorry, that's my run in with codependence talking. Two people should never be one, but the idea of being that close every now and again is nice.

"Possession" - Sarah McLachlan: the acoustic version after the Fumbling Towards Ecstasy song. I love that whole album, but this song was shared with a friend who loved it first. He introduced me to Sarah McLachlan and I've been hooked ever since. I was hooked on him for a bit too and ironically it was this song that I shared with him that pointed out to me how much he didn't love me. I got the CD before he did and made him a copy on cassette. I placed the cassette right on this song and played it for him and he got mad at me. What a weird bunch we were. I met him right after my father had died and I had given birth to my 2nd child. I was questioning everything in my life. I felt lost and very unhappy. Somehow our friendship made me feel whole again. Like the self I was before I had gotten married. Even though the relationship was weird he's been the only person I've been able to tell anything and he still liked me. What a unique individual. I wish I had more friendships like that. The kind where you hold nothing back.

Sorry, I think that last paragraph is probably a repeat. I've written about him before. I can't remember the name or intial I gave him.

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