2005-12-21 4:36 p.m.

Stupid Snow Globe

I finally remembered what I forgot yesterday. I have a gift idea for your man or maybe your man friend. I bet you didn't even know he needed this.

It's a little hard to read. It's Orange County Choppers Cologne. I know my man will enjoy this. What a shame there just isn't enough time for it to get here before Christmas.

More fun holiday tunes. I just felt like including some music on my page. I know Radiogurl already knows these as she pointed them out to me.

We Wish You Weren't Living With Us

The Restroom Door Said Gentleman

I found a site that allows you to upload files, up to 500mg, but of course they are out of space and I can't upload a file that is bigger than 2mg. I didn't find that out till after I signed up. Wasn't that nice of them? So I couldn't upload my favorites, these will have to do, for now.

Remember that snow globe I wanted for my front yard? I don't know if I told you but I bought a small one and I hate it. For all of you who don't know: Don't buy one if you live somewhere where the temperature goes below freezing. Why? Because the stupid thing gets warm on the inside and the water condensates on the inside and then freezes. Now you can't see inside the globe. Dumb!

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