2005-08-11 2:35 p.m.

Is it Nap Time Yet

Is it nap time yet? I'm tired. Way too tired.

Talked to Motherpoo yesterday. She cancelled her doctor thing and rescheduled. Now it's next Tues. Oh and it seems I didn't thank her for the birthday gift. The one she told me about months ago, then gave to my daughter to give to me, then called me to tell me she dropped it off. She wondered if I got it. Why does this woman annoy me so much? Yeah, I didn't call. She was on vacation on hers and my birthday. I should have sent a note. It would have been easier.

Did you all hear about the little girl who died at the boy scout camp? Those boy scouts are not a lucky bunch lately. First lightning and now big trees. I wonder what happened?

No news about the coworker. I'm wondering if they are going to test my work place and if they will tell us the results.

Oh, It's probably not as cute to you as it was to me, but here's a picture of Cat2 watching a house guest we had for a few days back in June.

He sat there for an hour or so. I have to admit I was very happy that my cats are so klutzy, because I'm sure if he was a bit more agile he would have been hanging from the bottom of the cage.

I guess he would have reacted a bit differently if the bird had been this one:

I took this at Busch Gardens. The Owl was panting, cause it was HOT. I didn't realize he had such pretty eyes when I took the photo. There was an eagle too. I wanted dd1 to stand with it when the woman held it, but she didn't want to ... whhaaaa.

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