2005-07-14 8:19 p.m.


I'm tired. I was so tired at about 2:00pm that I swear I was going to fall asleep at my desk. I had a plan though, if someone noticed and "woke" me. I'd just be sure to put my head up and say "Amen!" I saw that in one of those lovely email jokes that used to go around and around. Good ole Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. My friend used to say that back in high school before there was spam and there was only Monty Python. She was a big fan. I find the art amusing. I have to admit I don't always get all the jokes. In fact we rented one of the Monty Python movies not too long ago because my daughter wanted to see it and I fell fast asleep. Oops. My apologies to any Monty Python lovers. Benny Hill was lost on me too. I mean I get some of it, but I can only handle so many boob jokes. I guess that's why Stern and I do not get along. My husband and I talked about getting Satelite Radio, you know the Cyrus and XM stuff. Well dh wanted the one Stern was going to be on and I wanted the other one, mainly because it had NASCAR and I enjoy listening to the races. I can't remember which was which now. I think I wanted XM. Anyone have these? What do you think of them? The main reason I'm even thinking about it is cause the radio stations around here SUCK! They all changed format in the last 3 months and now there is a bunch of hip hop, a number of old rock, one or two of anything goes from 80s to present (which isn't too bad), but the one station I can only get from work and the other I can only get at home. There's actually a point on the way to work where I can't get either. And to top it off I really like alternative rock and we don't have any of that anymore. I've never listened to my CDs so much in my entire life. I mean I go through periods where I love a CD, but then I go back to the new stuff and get more CDs.

Babble, babble, babble. Maybe I'll just go to bed.

Kitty seems to be doing ok. Still haven't gotten the test results. I'm really wondering what they are going to say.

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