2005-06-14 9:10 p.m.


Ok, I have pictures.

(On a none related note, there is a banner for "Invisible Don". That hit home. My nickname was Invisible in high school and when said wrong, especially is the south, my name can be mistaken for Don. How odd. I may have to check it out.)

Anyway I have pictures. (Edited, that was amusing, the pictures were bigger than life. Attempting resizing.)

Here is a bad picture of the silly pepper plant I've mentioned. Now you get see how whimpy looking it is. Aren't the peppers funny looking?

Here are some other pretty flowers in my yard.

Here is Cat1. She's a princess.

Here is Cat2. This was a good picture of him and no red eye either.

I drove the car and the truck tonight. It's been 5 weeks since I drove. The car was actually easier to drive, but since it's a stick and I don't fully trust my foot I'm taking the truck to work tomorrow.

Today was a weird day at work. I'm using something called the fckeditor. (I kid you not.) It had a few javascript features that weren't working. Javascript is a skill I'm lacking and I gave up. I changed it to PHP and now it's working. I actually think I could have gotten through all the Javascript if it wasn't located in 10 different places, but I couldn't tell what called what when and I gave up.

I pissed off dd1 tonight. She has hair that hangs in front of her face all the time. She's letting her bangs grow out and prefers to only use one eye. I might be ok with this if there was evidence of actual hair effort, as in use of a comb or brush more than once a day and maybe a hair product, but I don't see evidence. It's official, at least in this aspect of my life, I've turned into my mother. In other aspects of my life ... Don't you dare compare me to my mother.

Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures.


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