2005-06-12 8:04 p.m.


Entry 2, bound to be as boring as entry 1, but I couldn't help it.

My hands smell funny. Sure you wanted to know that. I was weeding and I can't get the smell off. I guess I'll be taking a shower shortly. Oh, do you remember the pepper plant I mentioned a week or so ago? Well it has little peppers. It's just a tiny little plant with 3 tiny little peppers. It's so cute. All of my roses have buds. I'm a happy camper. I've been spraying them every other week hoping to keep black spot away. One seems to have a bit of an issue. I don't know if I should cut it off or not. I should get purple, peach and red roses. I can't wait. See I really have a black thumb and I work hard to get these plants to do something. I spent big money this year. Oh and my clematis (a flower) is even getting bigger. I've had it in the ground for 3 weeks. I didn't think it was going to anything. Last years never grew. This year I got two with flowers already on them. Yes it was over kill, but I was determined one of them was going to live. It's my hope that I can get them to grow over the jacuzzi.

dh is cleaning the jacuzzi out as I type. Maybe I can use it tomorrow.

The kids have been stuck to the ps2 machine all weekend. Some fighting game. I hope it's good entertainment later in the summer. School is out on Wednesday and they are home for the rest of the summer. Though they'll be going to a friend's house across town off and on to go swimming.

dh forgave me re a fight we had the other night. I was really quite bad, I thought we'd talk about it, but as most things go we didn't. He doesn't like to talk and I tried.

doc appointment on Tuesday, maybe I can get rid of the brace. I hope so. Truth be told. I haven't really used it all weekend. The thing is so hot and uncomfortable and I want to drive again. This is nutty.

Till next time.

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