2005-06-07 7:41 p.m.


Happy Tuesday!

Today I learned that one should use "Replace All" when changing variable names in PHP code. Oh and the error_reporting(E_ALL) command is my friend. What on earth was I thinking?

English: I made a stupid mistake and fixed it.

What's on my mind at the moment? Well Mother is due to call tomorrow and I'm wondering how I can avoid this and still come off looking good. Probably not possible.

BGIR - Better get it right! That's my new mantra at work. Not that my boss said it to me, but apparently his boss said it to him. Personally I strive to get it done, right is optional.

Oh I also found out the project I'm working on to decommission the baby my group created a number of years ago involves still using said baby. Isn't that interesting? Get rid of it, but don't get rid of it. I wonder if these people hear themselves when they talk?

I've been trying to use my foot a bit more. The thing hardly moves and hurts. I didn't think it would be this bad. I want to take off the brace and drive! UGH! I still have another week in the brace, but these hot and humid days are a killer.

dd2 is clamoring away for my computer so I either need to find another or just bail for the evening.

Take Care all.

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