2005-05-26 7:02 p.m.

Thursday - Day 1

Hello All,

I'm not sure why I started this, but I've been reading a few diaries that I found amusing and I thought I'd add to the kaos.

I know I'll share personal info, but I probably won't give any real names. I must admit I'd rather remain anonymous, not that anyone I know would even read this. Hell I'll be lucky if anyone reads this. Some days I just want to share and get opinions from no one in particular.

So what happen today? Not too awful much. I don't think I accomplished anything at work till a half hour before I left. I'm a programmer. Some days I wonder. Currently I'm using PHP and HTML. I must admit the whole html thing is totally new to me and sometimes very frustrating. It would be fine if all I was doing was presenting information, but the forms are a killer.

I broke my right foot a few weeks ago. I still can't drive. It's frustrating. Who knew how much it would limit my independance.

I want to go for a walk, so let's see what this looks like.

Oh, here's my little gem for the day: Store Wars

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