2013-01-09 10:34 p.m.

Almost ER

So tonight Mom almost went to ER for Chest Pain, again. If we had gone, it would have been the 3rd time in the last 30 days. We didn't go because it took me 45 mins to get to her and by then her "Chest Pain" was better. Her blood pressure was better. (She was in a nurse's office.) Ugh!

The other 2 times she went via ambulance. The first time they felt she pulled a muscle in her chest. The 2nd time they felt she had indigestion. Somewhere between the first and 2nd time she had a stress test. The result was normal, but I didn't find that out until today.

Is she stressed? Yes ... duh ... new place, spending lots of money. Of course she is. Also, I think her memory is getting worse. She won't admit it to me, but I've seen evidence. She forgot things (like entire bags of groceries) that she would have never forgotten before. I wonder if she forgot how to get home or something?

Has she been doing more exercise than usual? Yes

I got mad at dd1 tonight. I didn't really mean to, but she still hasn't gotten a real job and its been almost been a year. I'm worried. I'm sure she is too. She doesn't talk to me about what she is doing. I want her to pay rent, I want her to pay for her phone, her car and some of the college bills we borrowed on her behalf. We borrowed a lot of money. I want her to get more than a 20 hour a week job and start paying up. All that money (we spent and her too) and she could have gotten the job she has right out of high school and I wouldn't be this far in debt.

The other daughter wants to do something similar and I'm freaking out. How on earth do these kids think they will pay for things? How do they think we will pay for these things?

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