2007-05-26 4:41 p.m.

Long Time No See

So sorry, it's been a while. Life has been busy! Work is a killer. My main project has had a ton of work and I've been doing a lot of over time. Hopefully it will slow down. It really stresses me when work is so busy. I'm actually on 2 projects, but I've totally neglected the 2nd one which is pissing off my boss. I have to admit I don't know how to juggle the 2 especially when the 2nd one keeps giving me more work. There's got to be an easier way.

Since Mom had her hip replaced I was trying to visit her regularly so that was adding to my usual schedule. She went home last week. So far I think she is doing too much, but I guess it will work out.

I think I'm getting a cold. I'm not sure. My nose is running, my eyes are all weird, my throat is all itchy and my head hurts. I think that's too many symptoms for allergies, but who knows.

This weekend summer has arrived. It is HOT today. We went and saw the King Tut display downtown. It was ok. I think we ran through it. My headache didn't help things. I think we went through it too fast, but it was so crowded. I hate dealing with all those people. We went out to lunch as Famous Dave's. Now that was nice.

Yesterday we saw the Pirates of the Caribbean movie. It was ok. I liked Johnny and Orlando as usual, but it was a lot of fighting and not much else and my head was weird, so I wasn't that into it. We were there for 3 hours. It seemed long, though I'm positive there were 30 minutes of previews and commerials before it started.

I'm not sure what else I've been up to. Nothing else entertaining, though I have some pictures I want to share. I'll try to whip them up for another entry.

Have a nice long weekend all.

Oh oh, Guess who the family and I are seeing July?
We are seeing ZZTop, the Pretenders, Stray Cats and REO Speedwagon. No Really. I can't believe it either. Here's hoping they sound good. I'm not much of a Pretender fan, but dh loves ZZTop, so here's hoping it's worth it and we can all stay awake long enough to see everyone.

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