2007-04-25 10:57 p.m.

Still Lost 2


I'm watching Lost

One dead person that is alive. Hmmmm! I wondered about this. (Here)

I've decided I like listening to Korean. It's very sing songie. Isn't that weird?

When I was in Germany I thought that German sounded like jiberish. I'm surprised I like the sound of Korean.

What a busy day I had at work. London wanted to do a beta release today. They didn't get the data to me till today and after I loaded it up, it seemed to be a surprise to them. I don't understand that. Why is it a surprise? Supposedly the developer there didn't have time to look at it, even though it was my understanding he had it yesterday. Anyway they keep pointing out "issues" that are related to the data, not my actual application. It's annoying.

I also had a bug in the last application that went live. I make lots of bugs, so it not terribly surprising, but I know I checked this area. I don't know when it went bad. It bothers me.

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