2007-04-05 9:14 p.m.


Wow! Lots of Weird Al fans. And all with songs I never heard. Where was I, another planet?

If you haven't heard some of these either, here's a few links

Eat It


Grapefruit Diet




What a day. One of our products went live on Monday and we've had a few problems. I forgot to set up a user. I dropped a synonym I didn't know about. One of the jobs we ran didn't run correctly and produced some bad data. And in the mist of that a user ran an old version which failed, but I didn't realize that right away. I responded, fixed the "error" and then thought about it and decided the error shouldn't/couldn't exist without us knowing about it. So I checked and sure enough I fixed something that wasn't broken because they were using the wrong version. I should have followed my initial instinct about how the error couldn't be possible, but with the other errors I didn't trust myself. Odd Odd Odd.

You know what the really stupid thing is? I haven't worked on this project in 3 months. I thought it was going live 3 months ago and it didn't happen and now I find I don't remember it all that well, hence the not trusting my initial reaction or anyone else's for that matter.

The project I'm on now hopes to go with a beta release in a week. A week. I hope it's ready as in I'm ready. It's my second web app.

Friday is my niece's birthday. Saturday is dinner with sis's family, Sunday with dh's family. Monday I will detox I guess. Why must the holidays be hectic?

No talks with mom. No asking about doctor visits, but I'll see her this weekend. Who knows what will come of it. sameo sameo

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