2007-03-22 4:41 p.m.


Ok, my head hurts, I didn't sleep very well last night, and it's f&^)*ing HOT in here. I wasn't going to leave, but I think I am. This heat is not for me. Ignore the fact that I didn't get in till almost 10:00am because I couldn't manage to throw myself out of bed. Even the cat knew better. She kept talking to me. When I finally managed to get out of bed, I was greeted with a cold shower. DAMN! My darling husband better fix the damn problem or I'm going to scream. PMSing much? Could be.

You know how much my electric/gas bill was last month? Hold on to your hats ... $800+. WTF???? That was a record. It far exceeded the last record. dh puts in new windows and revamped the heating/AC and now we have the biggest bills I've ever seen. He said he'd call the people, but I haven't heard boo.

I have to do bills tonight. Yuck.

Oh, I know, I know, you really want to be at my house when I get home tonight. It will be a b*(^$fest. Anyone have duck tape? It may be necessary to shut me up.

My favorite show is on tonight and it's not a repeat. I'll be good.

Any Lost fans? Wasn't last night's show great? I think I screamed (more like a yipe) when Lock fell out of the window.

TGTIF (Thank god tomorrow is Friday)

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