2007-01-11 3:27 p.m.

Never get your ball carved freehand.

What's happening?

Well I've read another 10 pages. I picked up my bowling ball. I got my name engraved on it because it was "free". What a crock that was. It looks like crap! I should have known better. I think dd1 could have done a much better job. Oh well. Guess what I'm doing this weekend? Yes, I will be testing out my new ball. Maybe I'll break 100.

dh is buying a building in town. I'm freaking out. I was half heartly hoping he wouldn't get approved for the mortgage. Isn't that bad? I know. I know. HOWEVER I handle the finances for the house and I know what's in those accounts. dh's business accounts are all separate and I know nothing about them. He's suddenly going to double (or maybe more) our monthly bills and I'm supposed to be ok with this. I feel like he's been hiding things from me. I'm a little pissed. He's going to have tenants and stuff like that, but I still think there's more to it than that and if there is and dh does ok am I supposed to feel better? I'm probably not making sense. I'll whine about it later.

Here's a web site you might like: Africa Cam. I was watching elephants this morning.

Coworkers and associates have all been ranting about Bush. I can't wait to see what he comes up with next. To be honest I really feel like packing up the kids and moving to Canada. The various predictions I hear really scare me. Anyway I kept wondering how this man can act like nothing is wrong and everything is on schedule (though he didn't do that last night, but stay with me), then a friend told me he heard this on TV (or maybe the radio). Did you hear this: "It's not a Failure, it's a Success that hasn't happened yet."? I can't believe how much mileage that has gotten around here. See you have to have the right spin doctors in your presence, so that you too can believe everything is OK.

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