2005-11-07 12:38 p.m.

Romance is Dead (in our house anyway)


Guess who forgot our anniversary? With all the fun we have been having lately I thought I'd better remember this one and do something and I did. Nothing huge mind you, but I planned a nice eat out dinner in. I picked up drinks, dinner and dessert. Hubby called at 4 ish and said he'd be home late I could go out with friends. I thought this was strange, but I said No, I'd wait, we could have dinner together. We talked a bit more and he said he'd aim for 6:30pm so I did too. I was actually quite happy about that, it gave me some extra time. So I get everything together. I set up the living room with candles and whatnot. I pour drinks. A mudslide (pre-made kind) for me. Some melon thing for him and I wait. 7:30 rolls around, hmmmm. 7:45 he gets home and he's clueless as to why I went to the trouble. UGH! Frankly I wasn't mad, just hungry. I drank my mudslide and I was already feeling the effects. He didn't like his melon drink, so I drank that too. We have dinner. Prime rib, now well done because it's been in the oven for over an hour. Dinner was pretty good, but for some reason that mudslide really slammed me. I fell asleep at 8:30pm. Talk about the romance. What a light weight (if only that were true).

Saturday was better. It seemed to have all the romance that Friday lacked. It was a beautiful weekend here in PA. We went for a drive in the late afternoon. I saw a hot air ballon go over the house. It was just beautiful against the blue sky. Sunday was really nice too. Though I spent most of it shopping with my daughter. She needed some clothes.

Sunday evening we had a thunderstorm. It's so weird to see lightning in November. I wish I had a camera that could actually take pictures of lightning. There were some really spectacular strikes.

This morning my right hand has a tick. It's been wiggling all morning. Not major and not 100% of the time, but I first noticed it when I drove to work and every time I use the mouse it does it again. I wonder what is up with that?

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