2005-06-11 10:38 a.m.


I always get very nervous or anxious when were are going to switch to the Disaster recovery box. Normally this would be a DBA task but since our process was established before Oracle replication existed, it's our resposibility and has a number of tasks to do. All easy tasks. We readied the database and could have switched around noon, but the clients needed to set up files on all the client pcs and they were not happy about that. I was disappointed. Yet another reason for them not to like us when the files should have been set up during the installations. They are going to switch Monday morning.

Home is good. Foot is better, but hating the hot weather. dh is working and the kids are louging. Everyone was talkitive last night. I swear they were all talking at the same time. School is almost over and that kinda changes the day to day activities at school. dd1 has finals and half days so yesterday she went swimming and got sunburn. dd2 has year end parties.

dh is mad at me. Not sure that I can go into why... Maybe some day.

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