2014-05-11 9:25 p.m.

Same old Shit

It was a nice mother's day until my mother left. And actually it's been fine since she left but right before she left she got all bitchy and I wasn't in the mood to deal with it. So I yelled at her. She had the sniffles the whole time and she said her eyes hurt. I said it might be the allergies but she didn't agree and then I asked questions and she gave "smart" answers to all of them. Then she walked out of the house all pissy and mumbling under her breath.

My life is in a complete upheaval because of her. I have to cater to every doctor appointment and "thing" that she has and she is pissy. I sorta get it. None of the kids want anything to do with her. She's upset, she wants to be liked by them. She wants to spend time with them and they want nothing to do with her because all she wants to do is teach them bridge and talk about the same old stuff. Or she wants them to stay over night and none of them want that. I don't blame them, but they could give a little. We could have played cards together. That usually goes well.

I wish she was different. It was always about her. She is not a friendly fuzzy person. We are supposed to love her because we are related not because she is nice and loves us.

Pooh. This day started out so much better.

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