2008-04-21 12:47 p.m.

The C Word


Been a busy 2 weeks.

The college visit went well. Now dd1 wants to go there. Figures. I guess it's a good thing. I just wish it wasn't down town.

dd2 visit to the doctor went well. Turns out the spot on her head is a mole. Mind you, the oddest mole I've ever seen, but I'm taking the news and running with it.

Sister's biopsy ... not so good. She has cancer. Lobular carcinoma and possibly ductal as well, but I don't understand all ins and outs of it. The good news, they took a node (Sentinel node) on Friday and don't feel it's in the lymph nodes, but we won't know for sure till tomorrow. She's had surgery twice (it was a surgurical bioposy which I think ended up being a Lumpectomy this past Monday). Once she heals they start radiation for 6 weeks. Think positive thoughts for her, would you?

Work is busier than ever. Just figures. Of course I can't tell you I've gotten much done since Thursday (the day I got sis' news).

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