2007-01-08 9:34 a.m.

Busy Weekend

So it's 9:30 ish and I'm ready to go back to bed, but I'm at work. This is going to be a LONG day.

I couldn't sleep last night. I don't know what my problem was, but I finially took something at 1:30am. I think I fell asleep after that. dh woke me up this morning and I was unhappy. I'm always grumpy in the morning, but I wanted another half hour or so. However the kids have ortho appointments today so it really is good that I got up. Regardless, now I'm sleepy again. Maybe it's the meds. I also have school tonight. See I told you it was going to be a long day.

Did you all have a good weekend? I couldn't believe how nice Saturday was. Who would think a Saturday in January would be 72 degrees outside? There were people in shorts. I saw a wedding party and wondered if they even imagined it would be so warm when they got married. dh and I had orignally planned a January wedding and in fact it would have been 17th years this past Saturday. I didn't particularly want a January wedding but it seemed to be the right amount of time to wait from the engagement. I half heartly imagined a wedding with snow. The last thing that could have happened this past Saturday was snow.

The mummers parade was also this past Saturday but I missed most of it. I really like the string bands. I don't even know why, but I really like accordions and banjos. Don't you? Yeah I know, I'm in the minority. Who knows what I was in a former life. Anyway I was betting they were not happy about the warm weather. Those outfits are big and warm. I was expecting to hear about a number of them passing out.

Saturday we had some old friends over. It was a real nice evening. We had steak on the grill. I just had to take advantage of the weather. Our one friend has lost so much weight that I wouldn't have recognized her if she hadn't been standing in my living room. She looked amazing. I'm not sure if she felt as good as she looked. She was in a bad car accident 2 years ago (just after the last time we saw her) and has been trying to recover ever since. Unfortunately she seems to have accident after accident, some car accidents, some other kinds of accidents. I'm not sure I'd have her strength. I need to be better friends with her. We didn't even know she was in a car accident until a few months ago. So not a good thing. I imagine if she was in our normal circle of friends we would have known, but she's outside that circle. Anyway I need to do a better job of being a better friend.

Sunday was an odd day. I was also tired then, but dd2 had a party to go to and because we hadn't gotten a lot of notice we had to go shopping right before the party. So we go shopping and then I take dd2 to the party. It's a skating party and it was the first time she would have been skating since she broke her ankle, so I was nervous. I stayed to see how she would do on the skates and make sure she was ok. She wasn't and she was mad at me. I ended up staying and skating too. I'm not sure if that was right, but she seemed relieved when I said I was staying. I hope I did the right thing.

Well I have a meeting. I have to go.

PS. Thanks for the compliments on the cross stitch. Hopefully mine will look as nice as the one I linked to. I'm making pretty good progress for only a week. The water area in the middle is almost done. This one looked tougher than the ones I've done before, but so far it hasn't been too bad. Honestly I was looking for a Christmas stocking for dd1. This was not at all what I expected to get.

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