2006-12-27 5:02 p.m.

After the Holidays

Hello All!

Back at work for the week. I wish I was home, but then I wouldn't have vacation in the summer. Christmas was nice. I'm glad I had a couple of days at home before the actual Christmas day. I was able to finish up shopping, wrap everything and cook the necessary items.

Sister wanted to get together Christmas Eve and initially I said No. I thought we were getting together the following weekend and I was happy I wasn't going to be rushed, but she was disappointed so I relented. Her family came over, we had dinner and such. It was a nice time. I don't know why I fret so much. We cooked too much for dinner, but that's less cooking to do this week. I think her kids were disappointed I didn't get more. They are so used to the slew of gifts they used to get on Christmas. Not so much from me but from their father's numberous family members. They will see his side on Christmas. Sis and her bf also brought their dogs. Nice dogs, but put them together and all they do is fight (you know that play fight thing). It drives me nuts. I yell at them. Yelling apparently drives the bf nuts and he puts the dogs away till they whine. My sister thinks they are still pups. It's been a year. They aren't pups. Time for some discipline. Actually I've been watching the Dog Whisper and I think the dogs need an Alpha Dog which I try to be when they are at my house, but ... who am I kidding? I don't know much about dogs.

Christmas was nice too. It was just the inlaws and us. Again more food than we needed. The kids liked all their gifts and didn't seem disappointed. I think dh even liked his gifts and I have no complaints. I got some nice serving dishes, a couple of good CDs, a very pretty necklace, a couple of music boxes, and a unique looking tea "cup". It actually strains the tea, but I'm not sure what to call it. My favorite gift was some measuring cups. Isn't that silly. I really needed them and was hoping they would show up. I can't tell you how many times I almost bought them for myself.

Been tired the last couple of days. I'm hoping I not getting ill. I went to bed early the last couple of days. I feel pretty good today though.

Well I think I will just finish up and go home to play Guitar Hero yet again. I suck, but I'm determined to play an Ozzy song if it kills me. Besides it bugs the kids that I recognize most of the songs.

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